Review Room Docs

Quick Start

Intro Text: To get up and going in Review Room, you will need to create a Review Room Profile, submit your Shot Requests and get on to the private community group. These articles will walk you through that really fast process.
Type: Outline
  • Create Profile, 1, images/review/artistDocs/artistProfile.png, This article will walk you through the process of creating a Review Room profile., index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=15&catid=8
  • Make Shot Requests, 2, images/review/artistDocs/shotRequestFull.png, Make a Shot Request to let your Lead know what shots you want to work on., index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16&catid=8
  • Community Group, 3, images/review/artistDocs/communityPage.png, Get to know your fellow team mates in the private community group for your Review Room Session., index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&catid=8
This outline will walk you through how to get up and going in the Review Room.


  • Hits: 1021

Submit to Dailies

Intro Text: It is the standard practice at VFX Studios for Artists to make shot submissions and then as a sperate step add that submission to a Dailies playlist. This process is mirrored in the VFX Horde Review Room.
Type: Outline
  • Shot Submission, 1, images/review/artistDocs/shotSubmissionAdd.png, Create a Shot Submission so your work can be reviewed in Dailies., index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=21&catid=8
  • Add to Playlist, 2, images/review/artistDocs/communityGroup_Links.jpg, Add your work to a Dailies playlist so your work can be reviewed in Dailies., index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20&catid=8
This outline will walk you through the process of submitting your work to Dailies.


  • Hits: 851

Shot Submission

Meta: Submission
Intro Text: Every major VFX Studio has a shot review system where Artists can submit their work for feedback. In this simulated VFX Studio experience, you will need to submit your work as well in the VFX Horde Review Room's submission system.
Type: Did you know?
Callout: If you are submitting for Rounds then this is the only step you need to take. If you are submitting for Dailies you will need to add your submission to a playlist.
  • Submission Form, 1, images/review/artistDocs/shotSubmissionAdd.png, To create a shot submission (aka Shotsub) you need to go to the “Create Shot Submission” under the “Submission” menu. You will need to select the appropriate status of your submission according to the Dailies schedule. Depending on the nature of your submission you will either submit a:
    1. Still image
    2. Still image + image sequence
    3. Video
    4. Video + image sequence
    Please note that you cannot submit an image sequence by itself—it should always be accompanied with either an image or a video. What you submit from the list above will depend on the Review Room Session schedule. Ask your Lead what he/she wants you to submit for the up coming Dailies or Rounds. ,
  • Upload Manager, 2, images/review/artistDocs/shotSubmisison_upload.gif, To submit video files and images sequences you will need to take 2 steps.
    1. Click on the cloud/up arrow icon to navigate to the upload panel. Drag your file into the window or navigate to the file. Then click the up arrow to initiate the upload.
    2. Click the back arrow, then select the file that you just uploaded.
    If your image sequences are too large for your internet connection you can submit multiple zip files by dragging or selecting multiple files. Note: Your uploads are organized on the server by the date. If you make multiple uploads on the same day you will see a list of all your uploads for that day. ,
  • Dashboard Preview , 3, images/review/artistDocs/profileShotSub.png, After you submit, your shot submission will show up in your “Shot Submission” tab. If you happen to be working in more than one discipline you can filter your submissions based on discipline. If you need to edit your submission you can click on “Edit Item” next to the submission name or go to the “Edit Submissions” page.,
  • Write Notes, 4, images/review/artistDocs/shotSubFull.png, Next click on your submission and type in the notes on your shot in the comments box. You will need to include information like what notes you hit from the last review, what you are working on now, what not to look at and what areas you would like some feedback on. Writing your notes is essential. Submissions that have not been commented on will not be reviewed.,
Create a Shot Submission so your work can be reviewed in Rounds or Dailies.

Dailies, Rounds

  • Hits: 1411

Add to Playlist

Meta: Submission
Intro Text: VFX Studios will typically create a playlist in their review tool so they can have all the shot submissions cued and ready for Dailies. Your VFX Review Room Lead will make Dailies playlists available to you so that you can submit your shot for a shot review.
Type: Did you know?
Callout: In order to add to a playlist, you first need to make a shot submission.
  • Dailies Dashboard, 1, images/review/artistDocs/profileDailies.png, Once your Lead has added you to the Review Room Session, you will see listed all the Dailies for that Session. From this page you can click on any of the Dailies playlists. There is also a link to the private community group for your Review Room Session.
  • Add to Playlist, 2, images/review/artistDocs/2020-06-26_17-31-18.png, To submit to a dailies playlist you need to go to “Add to Playlist” in the “Submissions” menu. Here you will need to add a short description in the name of your submission then a more detailed description in the notes. You will need to include information like what notes you hit from the last review, what you are working on now, what not to look at and what areas you would like some feedback on.
  • Dailies Page, 3, images/review/artistDocs/SiteDemo_dailiesScreen_1-f1987264.jpeg, Playlists will list all the shot submissions being reviewed in that Dailies. You need to make these submissions in advance of the Dailies otherwise your shot will not be reviewed. Your Dailies will be scheduled in community group where you will receive a video conferencing URL and code. After the Dailies has concluded, your Lead will post a video recording of the Dailies on this page as you see in the image.
Add your work to a Dailies playlist so your work can be reviewed in Dailies.


  • Hits: 1119

Create Profile

Meta: Step 1
Intro Text: All major VFX Studios keep track of the work being done through individual user profiles. Your user profile is what gives you access to a particular show’s assets. Any time logged, work submitted, notes taken are all associated with an individual Artist's profiles. This is mirrored in your VFX Horde Review Room training experience.
Type: Did you know?
  • Add Item, 1, images/review/artistDocs/artistProfileAdd.png, To start off you need to create a Review Room Profile. After logging in, click on “Dashboard” in the main menu. From there you will be prompted to create a profile. Click on “Add Item” and then “+ Artist Profile”.
  • Profile Form, 2, images/review/artistDocs/artistProfile.png, You will need to submit a photo of yourself for your profile so your Lead can connect your face with your work. Also, make sure that you use your real name and not nick name when creating your profile.
  • Profile Page, 2, images/review/artistDocs/artistProfileFull.png, Once submitted, you will see that your profile has been created. There are three tabs “Assigned Tasks”, “Shot Submissions” and “Dailies”. As you can see, all three of these tabs are blank. Once your Lead has added you to the Review Room Session and assigned your shots, these tabs will be populated. Next you will need to request the shots you will be working on in this Review Room Session.
This article will walk you through the process of creating a Review Room profile.


  • Hits: 1421

Review VFX Horde is an immersive training experience that simulates a VFX Studio Review Room.

© 2016 - 2020 by VFX Horde and the Artistic Independence Project LLC. All rights reserved.