Create Profile

Did you know?

All major VFX Studios keep track of the work being done through individual user profiles. Your user profile is what gives you access to a particular show’s assets. Any time logged, work submitted, notes taken are all associated with an individual Artist's profiles. This is mirrored in your VFX Horde Review Room training experience.
VFX Horde
Updated: 03 July 2020
This article will walk you through the process of creating a Review Room profile.


Step 1

Add Item

To start off you need to create a Review Room Profile. After logging in, click on “Dashboard” in the main menu. From there you will be prompted to create a profile. Click on “Add Item” and then “+ Artist Profile”.
Step 2

Profile Form

You will need to submit a photo of yourself for your profile so your Lead can connect your face with your work. Also, make sure that you use your real name and not nick name when creating your profile.
Step 2

Profile Page

Once submitted, you will see that your profile has been created. There are three tabs “Assigned Tasks”, “Shot Submissions” and “Dailies”. As you can see, all three of these tabs are blank. Once your Lead has added you to the Review Room Session and assigned your shots, these tabs will be populated. Next you will need to request the shots you will be working on in this Review Room Session.

Review VFX Horde is an immersive training experience that simulates a VFX Studio Review Room.

© 2016 - 2020 by VFX Horde and the Artistic Independence Project LLC. All rights reserved.