Community Group

Meta: Step 3
Intro Text: VFX Studios are very social places. Not only do you get to chat, ask questions and get advice from your workmates around your desk but there are many company organized activities as well. Large studios will often have a company social platform on their company intraweb. The VFX Horde wants you to be able to connect with your teammates like you would at a VFX Studio through the private community group for your Review Room Session.
Type: Did you know?
  • Link to the Community, 1, images/review/artistDocs/communityGroup_Links.jpg, You can link to the community group for this Review Room Session by clicking on the “Session Group” button anywhere you see it in the Review Room.
  • Group Menu, 2, images/review/artistDocs/communityPage.png, If you are in the VFX Horde Community already, you can access all of your groups by clicking on “My Groups” on the groups page. There you will see all the groups that you belong to.
Get to know your fellow team mates in the private community group for your Review Room Session.

Create Profile

Meta: Step 1
Intro Text: All major VFX Studios keep track of the work being done through individual user profiles. Your user profile is what gives you access to a particular show’s assets. Any time logged, work submitted, notes taken are all associated with an individual Artist's profiles. This is mirrored in your VFX Horde Review Room training experience.
Type: Did you know?
  • Add Item, 1, images/review/artistDocs/artistProfileAdd.png, To start off you need to create a Review Room Profile. After logging in, click on “Dashboard” in the main menu. From there you will be prompted to create a profile. Click on “Add Item” and then “+ Artist Profile”.
  • Profile Form, 2, images/review/artistDocs/artistProfile.png, You will need to submit a photo of yourself for your profile so your Lead can connect your face with your work. Also, make sure that you use your real name and not nick name when creating your profile.
  • Profile Page, 2, images/review/artistDocs/artistProfileFull.png, Once submitted, you will see that your profile has been created. There are three tabs “Assigned Tasks”, “Shot Submissions” and “Dailies”. As you can see, all three of these tabs are blank. Once your Lead has added you to the Review Room Session and assigned your shots, these tabs will be populated. Next you will need to request the shots you will be working on in this Review Room Session.
This article will walk you through the process of creating a Review Room profile.

Make Shot Requests

Meta: Step 2
Intro Text: VFX Studios divide shot work up between artists based on the skill, experience and availability of the artist. It would be rare if an artist was allowed to request shots they want to work on—at a VFX Studio, shots are simply assigned to you. But at the VFX Horde, we want to make sure you have the opportunity to select shots that you want on your demo reel.
Type: Did you know?
Callout: As there are other Artists in this Review Session and the same shot cannot be assigned to more then one artist within this Session, shots will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. Your Lead will do their best to assign the shots you have requested. If you have any questions, please contact your Lead via the Community Group.
  • Request Form, 1, images/review/artistDocs/shotRequestAdd.png, In the “Submissions” menu select the “Create Shot Request”. There you will need to make a selection of shots that is larger than the amount of shots you will be working on for your Session. That way Lead can assign you the shots you want even if some of those shots have already been assigned.
  • Request Page, 2, images/review/artistDocs/shotRequestFull.png, After your submission you will see all your requests listed on your shot request page. If another artist has been assigned to a shot you will see them listed under the shot. If you do not see anyone listed under the shot, that does not necessarily mean the shot has not already been assigned. You can edit your selection by clicking on the "Edit Item".
Make a Shot Request to let your Lead know what shots you want to work on.

Time Entry

Meta: Submission
Intro Text: All major VFX Studios track how long Artists have spent on their assigned tasks. Not only is this how you get paid but this information is used to bid future shows for the studio. In this VFX Studio simulated experience it is important that you track the time you spend on your shots. This will give you a baseline of your current productivity and give you insights on how to speed up your work. It will also give you the ability to be more accurate estimating your time on tasks when you are working at a VFX studio.
Type: Did you know?
  • Time Entry Form, 1, images/review/artistDocs/shotRequestAdd.png, In the “Submissions” menu select the “Create Time Entry”. There you will need to select the shot you wish to create a time entry for. If you have completed the submission with the wrong shot selected, you can edit your submission on the “Edit Time Entry” page under the “Submissions” menu.,
  • Dashboard Page, 2, images/review/artistDocs/profileTime.png, You can view the time spent on each shot by clicking on the time icon on the shot. When you do so your time entries will expand. If you need to edit these entries, you can do so by clicking on “Edit Item”.,
Benchmark your progress on shots by keeping track of the time you spend on shots. Here is how it is done:

Review VFX Horde is an immersive training experience that simulates a VFX Studio Review Room.

© 2016 - 2020 by VFX Horde and the Artistic Independence Project LLC. All rights reserved.