Milestone Task

Clone Trees in the Plate

When working on shots, it's common not to have the photos you need for photo collaging. So for this DMP challenge, you will get the chance to ONLY use this single frame to get all the photo material you need. You will need to grab trees from this frame and populate the shot with more trees on the left side. You will need to cut, clone and paint over the trees avoiding any kind of repeating pattern. To begin, you will need to stitch images to create your single frame (make sure to use the "reposition" option for stitching). This might seem like an easy challenge but it is much harder than you think to make your work look absolutely invisible.​

Clone Trees in the Plate

Live Demonstration
Your Training Lead will provide you with a live demonstration of how to use all the tools and techniques to complete this exercise successfully.
You can download the files from the project files library. Look for the "Files for Download" section on the library page.
You will need to make a shot submission of your image sequence as a .mp4 file to the Review Room against the task you have been assigned. Make sure you comment on your submission once it has been made so your Lead knows you want it to be reviewed.
Add a task submission to a Dailies Playlist. This Playlist will be used in live Dailies by your Lead to give you feedback on your work. Dailies are scheduled in the 3DDMP Career Advancement Community Group.
Once you make your submission in the Review Room or added to a Dailies playlist it will be reviewed by your Lead. If your Lead has feedback for you, you will need to make the required changes and resubmit your work. Your work will need to meet VFX industry standards so you may need to submit multiple times. Your Lead will let you know if your task is finaled in the comments of your submission (Rounds) or in live Dailies.

Review VFX Horde is an immersive training experience that simulates a VFX Studio Review Room.

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