1st Milestone

Camera Projections

Projecting 2D images on 3D geometry is one of the essential aspects to a 3D Matte Painter’s skillset. Camera Projections are used in the creation of both large and small, complex and simple CG environments by enabling 2D matte paintings to become fully 3D environments.
1st Milestone

Camera Projections

Milestone Training

The Camera Projection Boot Camp is the industry standard for learning Camera Projection for VFX. The VFX Horde Master Course is the main training for this milestone and all of the tasks that need to be completed will come from this training.

Camera Projection Boot Camp

Learn the latest camera projection techniques used in major visual effect studios by Matte Painters and Environment Artists. With over 22 hours of training, over 120 lesson videos, and nearly 2 gigs of downloadable project files, this course offers to you the most complete, the most compressive course on camera projections for Matte Painters and Environment Artists.

Milestone Tasks

To successfully pass this milestone you will need to complete the following tasks. To complete your "Building Projection" task, you can pick from one of the available buildings offered. Your VFX Horde Lead will assign these tasks to you and you can access them on your Review Room Dashboard. If you do not see your tasks please contact your Lead. When you are ready to pass off your work, make a submission in the Review Room against the task.

Coverage Projection

From the elements provided, assemble a camera projection setup in the right order to make the environment look correct throughout the camera move.

Nested Projection

From the elements provided, assemble a camera projection setup in the right order to make the environment look correct throughout the camera move.

Pillar Projection

To complete this task, you will need to create a multi-projection setup that will completely cover this pillar throughout the camera move.

Building Projection: Old Building

To complete this task, you will need to create a multi-projection setup that will completely cover this building throughout the camera move. Note: Select and complete only one of the three buildings offered.

Building Projection: Wide Building

To complete this task, you will need to create a multi-projection setup that will completely cover this building throughout the camera move. Note: Select and complete only one of the three buildings offered.

Building Projection: Two Sided Building

To complete this task, you will need to create a multi-projection setup that will completely cover this building throughout the camera move. Note: Select and complete only one of the three buildings offered.

Review VFX Horde is an immersive training experience that simulates a VFX Studio Review Room.

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